
Instagram Crushes

If you have a Blackberry you are missing big time on the big party called Instagram.  I'm an irreversible addict; I should confess.  What? Facebook? oh... that ain't feed ego! Instagram is like a labyrinth!, that I should warn you but, once you taste it you're taken forever.
I don't remember how I came across Luisa Fernanda (@luisafere) but, I'm so glad I did!  Not only does she have the most updated and fashionable wardrobe ever but, also the best Instagram gallery I've seen so far.  Every time I look at one of her assemblances I weep because it reminds me of my lonely wardrobe still stocked inside a container in a port in Santos, Sao Paulo, waiting to reunited with its mami.  If you don't know Luisa you should and get inspired!  You'll see how she can teach a thing or two to many fashion bloggers? 
 Seriously? converse, leopard throw, a dog and the coolest air giraffe on a Sunday morning? 
She has the coolest kid in the block, Alonzo Mateo and as you can see him above he doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to style. 
 He is adorable!
 Then I get to sneak peek into her home too.
Then I have a neck and arm obsession too called @dylanlex.  Here, this girl makes me want to go out and buy all the jewelry I come across with.  She also makes me eat less and work out harder.  You guys know how much I looove bijoux and layers so dylanlex gives me both of them in the most beautiful way!
Growing up I kept asking my mom for a penguin as a pet until I was a laid-back 6 year-old.  My child ignorance didn't let me realize I couldn't keep him in the freezer so when I looked at this picture below of her I felt my heart melt. 
Love, love and more love to everything she is wearing below.
The love between she and her sister also makes me cry because mine is so far away now.  The sisters also have a blog Me and Lex.
And finally there is this family that makes me feel ashamed of my occasional uptightness.  Denise, whose Instagram account is @denisebovee, teaches her children to be explorers.  She also has a blog called We go to and fro where she documents their adventures.  Her account is one of those magical and artistic ones in which you can get lost in the stories behind the pictures.
The love and devotion comes across every picture.
You give them the world, why not teach them to help you with the laundry!
 Just beautiful.  Stripes, patterned blanket? and cutie piesessess having fruits.

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