My husband is more like his parents in a way that everything they buy need to have a purpose. They don't buy a potted flower to then eventually trash -they buy the seed, plant it and see it growing into a big tree, like the one below which my mother-in-law planted at their vacation home 25 years ago. That tree is a symbol of a beginning for them. Me on the other hand, am quite the opposite, I don't plant anything I rather buy a few flowers and put them in water until they sadly die, and they usually die sooner than later… Why? Because I forget to change the water! If it weren't for my mom who loves to plant -she is perfect age for that- the very few plants I have in the house would be as dry as a desert.
And so, maybe that's the reason why sometimes I feel bad when I spend money on things that I don't really need and very often that sentiment sends me straight back to the store to return it? Oh... what a relief I feel when I do that! I usually console myself thinking that the fact that I prefer to buy things for the home, rather than for myself, should make me feel better about it. I would not hesitate for a second if confronted with the option of choosing between a pair of Klismos chair or a pair of Louboutins. But one of the things that make me happier is to see my vision come alive and see it become a reality. I guess that different things make each of us happy.